Friday, December 14, 2012

2nd March, 2011

It was 2nd of March, 2011. I first saw her and got crush. I met with her as a home tutor. Though she is one of  my best friend's sister. I did not see her before. As because the family is an Islamic minded family. And I still remember whenever we go to their home how he acted. 

Most importantly, we are very much respectful to each other, family, especially for the sisters. I knew he had sisters. But honestly speaking never got curious about them. I believe we have self responsibility to them.

By the way firstly I was appointed as a tutor of Sadia, who is the elder sis of my crush.  The day was 2nd march of 2011.

She seated the right side of me. And my eyes got stuck to her eyes. After a long time I realized that there was another student of mine. A BIG LOL. 


Me Tazib. One of the greatest crazy boy in the universe. Here I will prove my craziness.

I am a blogger for a long time. But this blog is totally different.

The name of this blog is "Angel of My Life"

From the name you will get a clear idea about the bolg. Yes you are right. I will post whatever I do everyday in my daily life. Here we go.........